On the 1st of June, the “Meeting between Companies and Teachers of Computer Science and Communications: Generating synergies and opportunities”, took place in Málaga, organized by
Málaga TechPark, the Teaching Centre of Málaga and the financial entity Caixabank Dualiza.
It was a very enriching meeting between the ecosystem of the main technological companies with presence in Malaga and the Vocational Education and Training (VET) teachers of the public education centres of the province of Malaga, in which the different Training Cycles and Specialisation Courses of the Professional Family of Computer Science and Telecommunications are taught. More than 150 people took part in this activity.
Among the purposes of the meeting, the idea was that teachers should know what companies demand, what kind of profiles and professional skills they are looking for and what positions need to be filled, which could indeed fit perfectly with the skills acquired by VET students.

The aim of the meeting was to involve companies in the training process of VET students, contributing to the generalisation of Dual Vocational Training, as foreseen in the new Spanish regulation, and promoting other complementary training that contributes to improving the employability of students.
The international team of Málaga TechPark was present at the event and spoke about the European project MakemyFuture and the results obtained so far, together with the Institute of Secondary Education Martín de Aldehuela, partner of the project. The MakeMyFuture online training course was also presented. This training initiative will be available in the coming months, to support teachers in implementing educational maker-based modules improving VET students’ digital competences.